
Basic usages

The browser is a part of oct.core module, and is instantiate by the GenericTransaction class in its __init__ method. The browser can be used as a stand-alone, and for advanced scripts it’s good to know how to use it. So how to use it ? First, you need to instantiate a new Browser object:

from oct.core.browser import Browser

br = Browser()

The Browser object takes two optional parameters :

  • sessions if you want to use custom session manager, default value : requests.Session()
  • base_url for setting up your links when parsing, default to empty string

Now you can use the browser to access urls :

response = br.open_url('http://localhost/index.html')
response = br.open_url('http://localhost/other_page.html')

This script opens two urls, and for each one display the status_code of the response object returned by the open_url method.

Since the return value is simply the return of the requests.get or of the method, you can access all properties of a basic requests.Response object. But we add one thing to it, an html property, containing an lxml.html object, representing the opened page.

The html property can be used for parsing or getting elements with the lxml syntax, since it’s a standard object from lxml.html parsing.

For example you can access all forms object by using :


Or even use the xpath syntax

And can you check the render of the page ? Of course, you don’t need other imports, we’ve implemented an open_in_browser static method, calling the lxml.html.open_in_browser method. You can use it like this :

response = br.open_url('http://localhost/index.html')

This will open the page in your default system browser.

A last thing you need to know. Each time the .html property is filled, the browser make a call to the make_links_absolute method of lxml. If you want to avoid that, simply do not provide a base_url for your browser instance, it’s used only for this call

Form manipulation

Like we said in the previous part of this documentation, you can use all the lxml methods for parsing your page. But again, we have done a part of the job for you.

Let’s say that we have a simple html page like this at the index of your localhost favorite web server:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> My test page </title>

    <div id="my_form_block">
        <form action="/" method="post">
            <input type="text" name="firstname" />


A very simple page, but it’s just for the example.

Now let’s say that we want to get this form and submit it from the browser object :

from oct.core.browser import Browser

# instantiate the browser
br = Browser(base_url='http://localhost')

# open the url

# now we getting the form, using css selector
br.get_form(selector='div#my_form_block > form')

# we now have two properties for handling the form
# br.form, containing the lxml for object
# br.form_data, a dict containing all fields and values
# let's just set the value and submit it
br.form_data['firstname'] = 'my name'

# and submit it
response = br.submit_form()

# and check the status code

And yes, that’s it ! Simple, no ? Thanks to the awesome cssselector python library, getting your forms are now simpler (unless you know nothing about css selectors) but even if we don’t want or can not use it, we can still use the get_form method, and use the nr parameter. The nr param simply represent the position of the form in our page. Here, simple we only have one form, so let’s update our script :

from oct.core.browser import Browser

# instantiate the browser
br = Browser(base_url='http://localhost')

# open the url

# now we getting the form, using css selector

# we now have two properties for handling the form
# br.form, containing the lxml for object
# br.form_data, a dict containing all fields and values
# let's just set the value and submit it
br.form_data['firstname'] = 'my name'

# and submit it
response = br.submit_form()

# and check the status code

And here it is, same result !

For more information about form manipulation, please see the lxml documentation

More navigation

You can follow links inside the html page like this :

from oct.core.browser import Browser

# instantiate the browser
br = Browser(base_url='http://localhost')

# open the url

# now we can follow any link using css selector or a regex
# the regex will look at the text or the href attribute of the link
response = br.follow_link('a.my_links', '.*this link.*')

# oooops wrong link ! (yeah i know, that's doesn't append in script by try to imagine)
# let's go back
response = br.back() # after this we will be again at the index page
# wait no ! go forward ! it was good
response = # and here we go
# go back again !
response = br.back()
# access another page now
response = br.open_url('index')
# going forward ? # This will raise an EndOfHistory Exception

And that’s it ! The follow_link method is pretty simple actually, it just finds a link by regex and / or css selector, and then opens the url contained in the href attribute of this link.

What about the navigation history ? Well at this point the navigation history is managed by an object, who keep traces of all visited url. The history object tries to fit the beaviour of a standard browser and gave you those methods :

  • back for going back in the history
  • next for going the the next element
  • clear_history for removing all urls of the history


If you use the back method, and then open an other url, the next method won’t be avaible anymore, since

once you open an url, there a no next address yet.

Those methods allow you to navigate more easily with the octbrowser. But if you want to use all the methods / properties of the History object, you can use the history_object property of the browser to retreive it. See the history documentation below to see all methods avaibles for the history object

Module details

octbrowser.browser module

This file contain the main class for the octbrowser

It represent a simple browser object with all methods

class octbrowser.browser.Browser(session=None, base_url='', **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class represent a minimal browser. Build on top of lxml awesome library it let you write script for accessing or testing website with python scripts

  • session – The session object to use. If set to None will use requests.Session
  • base_url – The base url for the website, will append it for every link without a full url
  • history (octbrowser.history.base.BaseHistory instance) – The history object to use. If set to None no history will be stored.
add_header(name, value)

Allow you to add custom header, one by one. Specify existing name for update Headers will be used by every request

  • name (str) – the key of the header
  • value (str) – the associated value



Go to the previous url in the history

Returns:the Response object
Return type:requests.Response
Raises:NoPreviousPage, HistoryIsNone

Clears browser history, session, current page, and form state

self._base_url is unmodified :return: None


This function is called by the core of multi-mechanize. It cleans the session for avoiding cache or cookies errors, or giving false results based on cache


Re initialise the history


Try to delete the ‘key’ of headers property

Parameters:key (mixed) – the key to delete

Will access the first link found with the selector

  • selector – a string representing a css selector
  • url_regex – regex for finding the url, can represent the href attribute or the link content

Response object


Go to the next url in the history

Returns:the Response object
Return type:requests.Response
Raises:EndOfHistory, HistoryIsNone
get_form(selector=None, nr=0, at_base=False)

Get the form selected by the selector and / or the nr param

  • oct.core.exceptions.FormNotFoundException
  • oct.core.exceptions.NoUrlOpen
  • selector – A css-like selector for finding the form
  • nr – the index of the form, if selector is set to None, it will search on the hole page
  • at_base – must be set to true in case of form action is on the base_url page



Return a html element as string. The element will be find using the selector param

Use this method for get single html elements, if you want to get a list of elements, please use get_html_elements

Parameters:selector (str) – a string representing a css selector
Returns:a string containing the element, if multiples elements are find, it will concat them
Return type:str

Return a list of lxml.html.HtmlElement matching the selector argument

Parameters:selector (str) – a string representing a css selector
Returns:a list of lxml.html.HtmlElement of finded elements
Return type:list
get_resource(selector, output_dir, source_attribute='src')

Get a specified ressource and write it to the output dir

  • selector (str) – a string representing a css selector
  • output_dir (str) – the directory where the ressources will be wright
  • source_attribute (str) – the attribute to retreive the url needed for downloading the ressource

number or resources successfully saved (zero for failure)


Get the available values of all select and select multiple fields in form

Returns:a dict containing all values for each fields

Return the actual history list

Returns:the history list
Return type:list

Return the actual history object

Returns:the _history property
Return type:History
static open_in_browser(response)

Provide a simple interface for lxml.html.open_in_browser function. Be careful, use this function only for debug purpose

open_url(url, data=None, **kwargs)

Open the given url

  • url – The url to access
  • data – Data to send. If data is set, the browser will make a POST request

The Response object from requests call


Refresh the current page by resending the request

Returns:the Response object
Return type:requests.Response

Setter for headers property

Parameters:headers (dict) – a dict containing all headers

Submit the form filled with form_data property dict

Returns:Response object after the submit

octbrowser.exceptions module

exception octbrowser.exceptions.EndOfHistory

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised if the next method of an history is called but the actual page is the last element

exception octbrowser.exceptions.FormNotFoundException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of FormNotFound with browser

exception octbrowser.exceptions.HistoryIsEmpty

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised if the get_current_item method of an history is called but the history is empty

exception octbrowser.exceptions.HistoryIsNone

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised if the _history property of the browser is set to None and one method using it is called

exception octbrowser.exceptions.LinkNotFound

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of link not found in current html document

exception octbrowser.exceptions.NoFormWaiting

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of action required form if no form selected

exception octbrowser.exceptions.NoPreviousPage

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised if the previous method of an history is called but the actual page is the first element

exception octbrowser.exceptions.NoUrlOpen

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised in case of no url open but requested inside browser class

exception octbrowser.exceptions.OctGenericException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Provide generic exception for reports

octbrowser.history module